Thursday, April 23, 2009

Furture Black Belt in da House

J. tested for and received her Blue I belt in Tae Kwon Do on Friday. We were a little nervous as to whether she was ready but she passed which was pretty cool. Following in big bro's footsteps on the path to Black Belt. =0)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fresh back from vacay

Good lord, am I tired!!!! Once again I need a vacation from my vacation. We had an action packed week. We went to Magic Mountain, the movies, Sea World, Legoland/Sea Life Aquarium and ended the week with an Easter celebration at D.'s brother's house. Magic Mountain was a hoot. I have discovered that my 8 year old baby girl is a crazy rollercoaster queen. We rode the most intense roller coaster I've ever been on. I'm pretty good on roller coasters but this thing scared the crap out of me. SHE LOVED IT. They took a picture when we were coming down the first drop and I was literally crying and she had a big ol' smile on her face. I so should've bought it 'cause it was hysterical. I was hyperventilating by the end. The only reason she was a little scared was 'cause she was worried about me. LOL. She is hardcore. Seaworld was nice. It's always cool to see those huge whales doing everything that the trainers tell them to. Legoland was ok. It was super crowded but we went with some friends who have kids the same age as S & J so it was good for them. Easter was great. Way too much food but all of it was good and great times with all the kids & family were had. Hope you all had a great Easter as well.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Headin' off for a little R & R

Today is my last day of work before vacation. The kids are on Springbreak for 2 weeks and we try to take at least one week off with them. Last year at this time we were on our Mexican Cruise (sigh...God, I can't believe it's been a year). This year is a little more low key. We're just doing little local things here & there. so I probably won't post this coming week but I'll be sure to have lots of details and pics when I get back.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

A Fond Farewell

Well, after 15 years (& I have been faithful for all of it) ER is leaving me. I am so sad. I was there when Doug & Carol had their babies, when Mark found out he had cancer, when John & Kem lost their baby and when Luka and Abby got married. I've seen people come and go and loved every minute of it. Thursday nights just won't be the same for me but I guess I'll get over it. I guess I still have Grey's to get me through my hospital drama withdrawal. =0)

Good-Bye ER, I'll miss you.