Friday, August 11, 2006


This week sped by. Especially considering I was fresh back from vacation. S has his Red II stripe test in Tae Kwon Do tonight at 5:30. I know he will breeze though but I always have my fingers crossed just in case. =0)

I can't believe there are only 3 weeks left until the kids start school. This summer has flown by. S starts 5th grade and J (my baby) starts Kinder. It's incredible how fast these kids grow. I still remember both pregnancies and births as if they were yesterday. (sniff, sniff).

Well better go.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Back from the Rockies

Well, we just got back from visiting D's family in Colorado. Great trip. The kids had a great time horseback riding and going down the Alpine slide (the pic is of S, D & J going up the lift to the Alpine slide). They were sad to leave but I was glad to get home. I think a week is all I can handle of being out of my own bed. We had a great time but I think I need a vacation from my vacation. =0) Glad that we had a day to recoop before we had to go back to work.